Monday, April 19, 2010

Whats up with the name CULLEN?

Nurse Katie Cullen was murdered by Iman Ghaefelipour, 28, of Stretford Road, stabbed 35-year-old senior hospital sister more than 130 times on her neck, shoulders and face before mutilating her body. Her body was mutilated, left hand was almost cut off, Right eye gouged out.
This poor thing thought she was going to have a fling with a Muslim man, and think she was going to walk away from him. This is in England.

But wait, Nurse Charles Cullen killed any where between 35 to 45 patients by overdose of digoxin as he skipped the light fantastic across the state of Pa, until he hit New Jersey, and got caught.

Isn't there a vampire family named Cullen too?
